Gaming and programming have been my greatest passions since childhood.
When I was about eight years old, my family got an Atari 2600, this was my first video game console. I spent countless hours playing games and became curious about how they were made. Later on, my cousin brought his MSX computer to my house and showed me the code for a Pong clone he had written in BASIC.
I was thrilled to witness a computer program in action for the first time and see how lines of code could bring to life the games I adored playing. A few years later, my dad bought us our first personal computer, a PC/XT, that's when I started learning how to program. At first, I copied code from magazines and books, then I started modifying the code, and eventually, I was able to write entirely new programs on my own.
In fact, I have been doing this for a living for the past three decades. Unfortunately, the game development market was not well-established in my country at that time, so I worked as a software engineer across various industry segments throughout my career. However, I have never lost my passion for games and have spent countless hours studying and developing them in my free time. Now I've decided it's time to go back to my roots and devote more time to my passion.
Here on my site you'll find some of the projects I've been working on lately, with more to come soon.